61 E. Church Street

Walking Tour
East side of street
Official Property Description: 

This single-story ranch style house features a side gable roof with no dormers and a louvered vent in the gable peak. The south (front) elevation of the house features a large, covered wood porch on the west end (three-fourths the width of the south elevation) underneath the main roofline with four large square columns and a surrounding balustrade. A single door entry and one double-hung (two over two) window are within the east end of the porch section. To the east of the front door is a pair of two over two double-hung windows. One double-hung one over one window is at the east end of the south elevation near the southeast corner.

The west elevation features two one over one double-hung windows near the center with window boxes. A large brick chimney is visible on the north elevation. The west elevation to the rear (north) of the house features a patio with a set of French doors (ten panes each, two by five). On the north side of the west elevation there is a one over one double hung window.

The rear (north elevation) of the structure features one entry door with a rectangular sliding window to the west of the door. Two one over one double-hung windows (windows of different sizes) are on the west end of the north elevation. The smaller of the two is east of the larger and is set higher on the wall. There is a louvered gable vent under the roofline. The south end of the east elevation features a pair of two one over one double hung windows and a louvered gable vent. The north end of the east elevation features two slide-style windows at different levels. The larger is just off center of the gable peak and features more vertical light. The smaller, near the northeast corner, is set lower on the wall and has more horizontal light. The north section of the house appears to be an addition. No details are available as to when this addition was added.

The east elevation clearly shows that the house is built into a slight hillside, with this southeast corner showing a significant amount of exposed poured concrete foundation.


Significant Property History: 

Not much is known about this single-story ranch house. Construction date is thought to be circa 1900. It was renovated in 1959. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green and family lived in the house in the 1960s/70s.

Steven and Janet Sitar owned the property when the original certification of the Clarkston Historic District was completed in 1980. Steve was a Pontiac Police Sargent and served as the Chairman of the Clarkston Historic District as of September 1988 and as a member of the Clarkston Planning commission beginning November 1987.

Linda Elaine Robertson (2/1/46 – 7/23/18) owned the house for many years and upon her passing the family sold the home to Ross Anthony DiFalco. Linda was a long-time member of the Clarkston United Methodist Church and a volunteer with the Colonel Potter Cairn Rescue Network.

Architecture Style: