18 North Holcomb St.

This house, built circa 1914, originally had many of the same Queen Anne and Stick Style details still seen on the house at 177 N. Main.
In the 1850s this lot was a part of the property of Thomas, then Richard Broomfield. Thomas lived in the house at 49 W. Washington. By 1866 it became a part of the property to the north, owner Rebecca Bescherer, Mrs. R. G. Bescherer, who according to the 1872 Map of the Village owned a farm. The house with aluminum siding covering the original wood clapboard, according to tax records, was built circa 1914. The house originally looked like those at 122, 130, 135 and 177 N. Main. These houses were all built about the same time. A photo from the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Osborn, who once owned the house, shows the wrap-around porch, multiple gables with shaped shingles, and two story bay window of this Queen Anne-Stick Style derivative. In 1837/38 Mary Green ran a maternity house here (see ClarkstonNews advertisement). In the 1940s it was converted to two family (one up, and one down). It was the residence then of Garnet E. Poulton who ran an auto supply parts business in the Village. Poulton also worked in the barn behind the house. A photo of Mrs. Poulton in the backyard of this house with other members of the Service Mothers Club, World War II, may be seen page 91, Heritage.
- Lot 4 of the Northwest Addition to Nelson W. Clark's Original Plat of the Village in the Southwest 1/4 of section 20 of Independence Township.
- Lot 10 of the Supervisor's Replat of the Northwest Addition and part of the Original Plat.
- Note: All the properties currently located in the Historic District were originally part of a tract registered by Butler Holcomb with the federal government on October 22, 1831. Thus, abstracts for these properties, when they exist, show the original transfer to be from the United States to Butler Holcomb and may also include references to then President Andrew Jackson.
- William Holcomb
- 1860 Thomas Broomfield, Lots 3 and 4 in the Northwest Addition, assessed value, $230.
- 1863 Richard Broomfield, Lots 4, 5, & 6 in the Northwest Addition, assessed value $450.
- 1864 Richard Broomfield, Lots 4, 5, & 6 in the Northwest Addition, assessed value $500.
- 1866 R. Bescherer, Lots 4, 5, & 6 in the Northwest Addition , assessed value $400.
- 1872 Map of the Village has no building footprint on this site, owner R. Bescherer.
- 1889 James Woodhull
- 1904 George Tindall Lot 4, assessed value $100.
- 1914 Christina Tindall, Lot 4 & the south 10' of Lot 5, assessed value $1800.
- 1920 Christina Tindall, Lot 4 and the south 10' of Lot 5, assessed value $2500.
- 1923 D. L. Osborne, Lot 4 and the south 10' of Lot 5, assessed value $2500.
- 1924 D. L. Osborne Estate, Lot 4 and the south 10' of L5 , assessed value $3400.
- 1931 D. L. Osborne Est., Lot 10, assessed value $2800.
- 1938 C. A. Kent, Saginaw, Lot 10.
- 1941 Garnet Poulton, Lot 10.
- 1954 Garnet Poulton, Lot 10