Teggerdine, David R.
- Born 1864. Died 1934.
- Wife, Edith Rose. Born 1868. Died 1943.
- The Teggerdine family farm was at White Lake & Andersonville Rds. David & George B.Crosby owned/operated a meat market in Clarkston, in a wooden building,12 S. Main. (See photo of David Teggerdine on the interior of that building in 1922, page 65, Heritage.) In 1924 it became the business of Wm. Dunston. The building along with three others burned in 1927. The yellow brick building, nicknamed the "Brick Block", the combined effort of Teggerdine, George King, "Burt" Landi & Hubble & Hopkins (Cecil Hubble & Clair Hopkins ) was built on the same site. The original nameplates on the building facade were T.-K.; Landi, and H & H. David moved the family to 61 N. Main when he became Clarkston State Bank President. See Obit., Clarkston News 6/18/1997 of Teggerdine's daughter, Gladys McNaught Crawford.