Historic District & Historical Society

Historical Society

The Clarkston Community Historical Society and Heritage Museum

Beginnings…  In 1972 the Clarkston Community Historical Society (CCHS) was formed in order to put the Village of Clarkston on the National Register of Historic Places, thus preserving it from irreversible damage from a plan to widen Main Street. 


Our Mission… The CCHS brings together those people interested in local history; and strives to collect and preserve historic artifacts. To this end, we opened the Clarkston Heritage Museum in 1999. Since then, there have been over 35 different exhibits on display within the museum and thousands of visitors to enjoy them. 


Join Us… We are a vibrant group of people dedicated to preserving the heritage of Clarkston and the surrounding area. We host lectures, school programs and other special events. We’ve also published four Clarkston history books and print a quarterly newsletter. Memberships start as little as $40 per year and your support will enable us to continue our mission to preserve and protect Clarkston’s wonderful history. 


Where to Find Us… The Clarkston Heritage Museum is open to the public during regular library hours. The CCHS office is within the museum. Office hours vary, so please call ahead at (248) 922-0270. You can also contact us by email at info@ClarkstonHistorical.org. Or visit our website at www.ClarkstonHistorical.org.


Please Consider That… The CCHS is always happy to accept donations of historical items. Do you have Clarkston related letters, diaries or photographs? Contact us to discuss donating or loaning your objects to the museum. In addition, any financial donations are greatly appreciated. We are a designated 501 C 3 charity and your contribution may be tax-deductible. 


Help us to preserve our past for future generations!