West Washington Near Main

West Washington Street: The property to the west of the wooden buildings which were on the southwest corner of W. Washington & S. Main Streets.
Historically there was a building on W. Washington St., south side, east of what is now a public way (alley). In 1939, this was the site of Carlton V. Sloat's venetian blind shop. A Clarkston News article of 6/17/1938 advertised "Charm" venetian blinds. Sloat was also taking orders for E-Z rowboats, 14' long x 45" side with 16' red cedar sides. A fire started in this building in 1939 destroying it and the buildings to the east which fronted on Main St. north of the brick building at 5 S. Main. See photo below.
Historically the 1872 Map of the Village had the footprint of the Yager (Jedediah Yager) blacksmith shop which was described in tax records as 28' x51' (on this site). Tax records for the Clarkston mill property cited a cooper shop to the west of this at the time. Please note that the right side of the1939 fire photo shows a small building on the northeast corner of the Mill site.
- Note: All the properties currently located in the Historic District were originally part of a tract registered by Butler Holcomb with the federal government on October 22, 1831. Thus, abstracts for these properties, when they exist, show the original transfer to be from the United States to Butler Holcomb and may also include references to then President Andrew Jackson.
- 1844 Jeremiah and Nelson W. Clark, the Mill property, assessed value $2000.
- 1847 as above.
- 1848 Nelson W. Clark, Mill "Lott" on the Southwest 1/4, assessed value $2000. Nelson W.Clark, the northeast corner of the Mill "Lott", assessed value $90. Milton H. Clark, the northeast corner of the Mill "Lott", assessed value $92.
- 1849 Clark and Davis, the northeast corner of the Mill Lot, assessed value $93.
- 1872 Map of the Village has two building footprints on W. Washington St. The one to the east it seems is labeled Yager, that is, Jedediah Yager/Yeager.
- 1878 Jedediah Yager/Yeager, 28'x51'.
- 1881 Theodocia Stiff, the undivided 1/2 of the Cooper Shop, east by Yager, assessed value $200. Mrs. West, a piece known as Clarkston Grist & Plaster mill, north by the Street & the Cooper shop, west by the Plaster Mill race, south by Howe Bros., East by Howe Bros.& R. N. Clark, assessed value $5500. Mrs. H.T. Hirst, the undivided 1/2 of the Cooper shop, north by the Street, east by Yager, south& west by S.Orvis, assessed value $200.
- 1884 Jedediah Yager/Yeager, 28'x51'
- 1888 Wm. Holcomb, - lease of the mill property
- 1902 Wm. Holcomb, Estate, mill property.
- 1904 Charlie Sly, Yager's property.
- 1907 Charles Vliet, west by Hoyt, east by Clark Bros., assessed value $600. Frank Hoyt, west by Holcomb Brothers, east by Smith & Vliet, assessed value $300.
- 1910 Vliet Bros.
- 1918 Fred Vliet, west by Gundry, east by Clark Bros., south by Walter, assessed value $1000.
- 1920 Fred Vliet, as above. Gundry.
- 1921 Glenn Ogden, east by Klintworth, south by Walter, west by Seeterlin Bros., (note: the Seeterlin Bros. did not appear in the tax records for this property), assessed value $1200.
- 1923 as above.
- 1926 D. Teggerdine, as above, assessed value $1400.
- 1927 D. Teggerdine, "west by alley", assessed value $1600.
- 1929 Skarrit & Baker, north by Washington, east by L. L. Viler, south & west by Ford, assessed value $1500. Lawrence L. Vlier, beginning at a point on the south line of Washington St. 5 rods, west of the southwest corner of Washington & Main Sts., then west 28' , south 51', east 28', north 51' to beginning, assessed value $1500.
- 1930 Skarrett & Baker, assessed value $1500. W. E. N. Hunter, assessed value $1500.
- 1931 Judd Skarrett, east by Hunter, assessed value $1200. D. Teggerdine. (Vlier's piece)
- 1934 D.Teggerdine, as above. F. Oberheim, "east by W. E. N. Hunter, south & west by the Village, assessed value $1000.
- 1935 Mrs. E. R.Teggerdine. Judd Skarrett, assessed value $850.
- 1938 C. V. Sloat, assessed value $700. Russell Walter, assessed value $800.
- 1939 Sloat, assessed value $500. Walter, assessed value $700.
- 1940 Lillian Klintworth, assessed value $500. Russell Walter, assessed value $800.
- 1941 Lillian Klintworth, Lot 81, assessed value $2500.