67 East Church Street

Walking Tour
East side of street
Official Property Description: 

This house sits on the north side of East Church Street at the eastern edge of the historic district. The east side of the property abuts a stream which is part of the Clinton River watershed. The south elevation (front) of the house is a two-story side gable with two eight over eight double hung windows with shutters on the second floor. At the west end of the first floor is a canted box bay with two six over six double hung windows on the flat front and the same window on each angled side. To the east of the bay window is a one-story roofed porch with a single classical column at the southwest corner. The east end of the porch along with another single column (southeast corner) connects to the attached two car garage. The front entryway door is wood with a large glass pane flanked on both side by six lites.

Significant Property History: 

This house was built by James Frantz in 1979. Was purchased by Edwin and Janet Snyder in 1984. Bruce and Carole Sawyer (current owners) purchased the house in 1989. A 12’x12’ shed in the rear of the property was constructed in 1994. In 1997, updates were made to the house, including new wood windows and the roofline of the garage was extended to cover the porch.

Historic District Commission Documents: